‘Meet the Researcher’ video showcase

AHW video showcaseThis Alfred Health Week, we will once again be running the Video Showcase to give our community some insight into the talented people behind the research that happens on our precinct.

As numbers are limited, there will be a selection process to determine which researchers will be featured in the series. The chosen researchers will have their videos shown online and in the Innovation & Education Hub throughout Alfred Health Week. The videos will also be made available to you to use in promotion of your work on your own social media channels.

Updates for 2022

This year, we will be offering a $250 prize for the best video, as chosen by our panel of consumers and public affairs representatives. They will base their decision on how engaging the video is for a consumer audience and how effectively the researcher communicates their research in simple, lay language.

Another change for this year’s Video Showcase is that we will be filming all videos on site with a professional videographer, rather than remotely. Filming is scheduled to take place on 13 and 18 October on the Alfred precinct, so applicants will need to be available on one of these dates to take part.

Entering the Video Showcase

If you would like to be considered for the Video Showcase, you can apply when you submit your abstract for the Scientific Abstract Competition. On the form, you’ll see a series of questions:

  • What health challenges are you solving with your research?
    • Consider the aim of your research and why it’s important to the community.
  • What does your research involve?
    • A short description of your methods and processes.
  • How will your research help achieve better outcomes in the future?
    • Consider your results and conclusion, and what they offer in terms of delivering improved health outcomes.

The answers to these questions (in lay language) will form the basis of your video to showcase your work to the broader community.

If you are selected, taking part is very simple and won’t require much of your time – successful applicants will also receive further instructions ahead of filming. Keep an eye on this page for more information in the weeks ahead.

Submit my abstract