Alfred Research Alliance Animal Ethics Office

All proposed animal use, whether for research or teaching, must be approved by a properly constituted Animal Ethics Committee before commencement. This is coordinated through the Animal Ethics Office.

The Alfred Research Alliance Animal Ethics Committees (AECs) review applications to use animals for scientific purposes from investigators from the Alfred Research Alliance partners and other precinct members. The Alfred Research Alliance AECs report to the institutions via the Governance and Policy (GAP) Committee.

The AECs ensure that the care and use of animals at the campus complies with the Victorian Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 and the Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes 2013. The Australian Code and associated regulations encompasses all aspects of the care and use of animals for scientific purposes, and provides guidelines for the humane conduct of scientific activities.

Code of Conduct
All experimental procedures involving animals must be conducted in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Scientific Procedures using Animals Under Alfred Research Alliance Licenses.

The Procedures for Responding to Non-Compliance with the Australian Code, Legislation or Animal Ethics Committee Decisions document provides a framework for the Animal Ethics Committees to investigate alleged non-compliance and to act on the findings of the investigation based on the degree of non-compliance identified in accordance with the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes.

Complaints, Concerns or Grievances
Any person with a concern regarding the use of animals on this campus should refer to the Procedures for Complaints, Concerns and Grievances Regarding the Use of Animals document which outlines the procedures to address the following:

1. Concerns or complaints regarding the use of animals
2. Disputes regarding decisions of the Animal Ethics Committee
3. Disagreements between Animal Ethics Committee members
4. Disagreements between the Animal Ethics Committee and the institution/s

Researcher Resources
Log in to the Alliance AEC Researcher Website for access to researcher resources (see button below).

To lodge a complaint, concern or grievance, or to provide feedback, please email

Governance & Policy Committee About AECs AEC Researcher Website