Monash Bioinformatics Platform

Monash Central Clinical school (CCS) appointed Dr Nick Wong in 2017 to liaise between CCS, Alfred Health and the main Monash Bioinformatics Platform team located at Clayton.

Dr Wong’s expertise spans genomics and bioinformatics. He can offer advice, consultancy and training around genomic analysis with next-generation sequencing (GS) and nucleic acid (RNA/DNA) platforms to Monash and Alfred Research Alliance members.

Dr Wong’s role is to facilitate access to computing infrastructure for data analysis; bring together existing bioinformatics expertise at the Alfred precinct and the main Monash Clayton Campus; and coordinate specialty seminars and training workshops.

The ideal interaction with the Monash Bioinformatics program is collaborative, with the view to acquire future funding to build further bioinformatics capability at the Alfred precinct.



Alliance partners: Monash University, Alfred Health.