Watch this space…

Teaser Campaign

AMREP is changing…

In the next few weeks, you’ll be witness to some of the biggest changes AMREP has seen in years: A new agreement, a new name, a totally new image.

Well over 1500 of the 8000 people who work here at the Alfred precinct are directly involved in research – from basic research in the lab, to translational research, clinical trials, clinical research across a vast number of fields.  Many more are indirectly involved or impacted by the research work done here, through clinical practice, education and commercial innovation.

If you are one of these people, you are already part of the research alliance we know as AMREP.

These changes are for you.

It’s not too much of a stretch to say that the next few weeks has the potential to not only transform the way you think of AMREP, but to open new possibilities in the way we think and work here at the Alfred precinct.

More to come soon. Meanwhile, clear some space in your diary during the last week of September.

You won’t want to miss this!